Major Incidents
The purpose of this course is to provide HMC employees and contractors with an overview of its major incident preparedness, response and recovery arrangements.
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The learning outcomes specifically associated with this eLearning course are the ability to:
Explain the importance of major incident Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery.
Recognise the importance of training, drills and exercises.
Explain the different Activation levels for both an internal and an external major incident.
Describe the Command, Control and Communication model in use within HMC.
Explain the role of the National Healthcare Incident Command Center (NHICC).
Describe the role of the Bronze Scene Commander.
Explain the importance of the recovery phase of an incident.
In order to complete the course and generate your certificate you must:
Review all pages of the appropriate module(s)
Achieve 60% in the quiz at the end of the module(s)
Complete the survey
This course is presented in one module that includes 4 sections