Manual Handling (Non-clinical Staff)
Working in a healthcare setting often involves moving, lifting or transporting of people, equipment, medical devices, boxes or other objects. The aim of this eLearning course is to reduce the risk of injuries associated with poor manual handling. The knowledge gained and the skills you will practice are ‘skills for life’ and should be applied in all your daily activities, both at work and at home.
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The learning outcomes specifically associated with this eLearning course are the ability to:
Identify why safe moving and handling is important.
Explain how risks arise from manual handling and how to implement control measures.
Describe which safe manual handling techniques are to be used in the workplace.
Identify the type and range of equipment to be used to determine safe handling techniques.
Explain why manual handling interventions, communication and minimal lifting techniques are important.
Define the types of manual handling lifts that may pose a risk of injury.
Recognise how to identify and manage risks associated with manual handling and implement effective control measures.
In order to complete the course and generate your certificate you must:
Review all pages of the appropriate module(s)
Achieve 60% in the quiz at the end of the module(s)
Complete the survey
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This course is presented in five sections:
1. What is Manual Handling
This section defines manual handling and examines its applications at work and at home.
2. Prevent Injury by Understanding How Your Body Works
This section describes the spine - how it is made up and how it can be injured.
3. The Importance of Fitness
This section highlights the importance of fitness in order to reduce your risk of injury during manual handling activity.
4. Ergonomics and Manual Handling Risk Assessment
This section examines how to assess manual handling tasks to identify and minimize risks.
5. The Correct Way to Handle Loads
This section identifies the eight principles of manual handling and its application to manual handling tasks.