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The learning outcomes specifically associated with this eLearning course are the ability to: 

  • Recognize the purpose of risk management in healthcare.
  • Recognize your responsibilities in helping to prevent risks.
  • Identify how to ensure a culture of safety at HMC.
  • Recognize barriers to incident reporting and how to overcome them.
  • Distinguish between different types of incidents.
  • Identify key steps in the incident reporting process.
  • Recognize relevant information to include in an incident report in the Electronic Incident Reporting System (EIRS).
  • Identify the purpose of a risk register.
  • Recognize the importance of using a risk assessment process.
  • Recognize how to identify risks proactively.
  • Recognize key actions to take in the evaluation step of the risk assessment process.
  • Use the risk assessment matrix (RAM) to grade the severity of a given risk.
  • Recognize how to use failure modes and effects Analysis (FMEA) as a proactive tool to assess risks in a critical high risk area or process.

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